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Standardising Private Registry Configuration

IT Ops has evolved since the time-honoured practice of “turn it off and on again!” Aisha’s a Kubernetes Platform Engineer. Every day, she upgrades and rolls back helm charts.

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Exploring Oci Registries By Use Case

Imagine an organisation has 6 application teams. Each team has their own Kubernetes cluster so they can operate independently on their own cadence. Each cluster has access to pull images from the public internet.

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Publishing Docs as Code

Concluding a delve into docs as code… If you wanna publish chosen articles to Medium without the tedium, Part 3, this how-to guide can help you.

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Analysing A Docs As Code Pipeline

The Hemingway Editor says that sentence is: hard to read (yellow highlight), and; uses passive voice (green highlight). As an noob writer, I frequently make those mistakes, so that kind of feedback really helps me.

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Creating A Docs As Code Pipeline

Have you thought about managing docs as code? Before you publish written content, you wanna check spelling, lint markdown, improve prose, and fix broken links. The idea of docs-as-code is to version control, build, test, and deploy your documentation using pull requests, continuous integration and continuous deployment.

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World Cup Troubleshootout

Every four years the Fifa World Cup ignites my passion to troubleshoot a bunch of technical problems so that I can enjoy the tournament in the same way I grew up - with highly-biased English commentary.