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Standardising Private Registry Configuration

IT Ops has evolved since the time-honoured practice of “turn it off and on again!” Aisha’s a Kubernetes Platform Engineer. Every day, she upgrades and rolls back helm charts.

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Exploring Oci Registries By Use Case

Imagine an organisation has 6 application teams. Each team has their own Kubernetes cluster so they can operate independently on their own cadence. Each cluster has access to pull images from the public internet.

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Exploring OCI Registries: Chapter 2: Install a Public Helm Chart on a Private Kubernetes Cluster

When you wanna install a public helm chart on a private kubernetes cluster… See also How To Pull And Verify Any Public Helm Chart From An OCI Registry

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Exploring OCI Container Registries: Chapter 1: Pull a Public Image from Kubernetes

Let’s begin with one of the most common use cases of a Container Registry: Pull A Public Container Image Here’s a simple kubernetes cluster. It has access to pull images from the public internet.